Mentoring Progress Chart

To be filled in by the person being mentored, and comments added by mentors

Please fill in only those items that help your mentor to understand your situation. Skip the rest.

If you use a computer, type your answer after the question. It should automatically appear in red.

Name of person being mentored:


Place of current residence:

Place of ministry, if not where you reside:

Date of first use of this Mentoring Progress Chart:

Your General Ministry Information

The people group or subculture that you serve, or plan to serve:

Your type of ministry or what you plan to do:

Church or organization with which you serve:

Have you been commissioned by your church or organization with laying on of hands, that authorizes you to administrate baptism and the Lord's Supper?

If you were commissioned for a specific, specialized ministry, please state it:

The type of team, staff or task group you will work with (describe anything about coworkers that might help your mentor appraise the situation):

Does the person to whom you are accountable agree fully with your vision, use of gifts and field focus?

If you work cross-culturally, does your task group include nationals? If not, state your plans:

Does the team have a good balance of spiritual gifts (Some, for example, have only teachers--a bad balance.) If not, state your plans:

Experience in ministry or secular work that we should know:

Past training, if relevant. Include pertinent non-formal training:

Approximate number of years in active (full or part time) Christian ministry:

Place of Ministry, if localized, or people group:

Field objectives. What you expect to exist 20 years from now as a result of your work (not what you plan to do, but what God will bring about in others, as a result of your work):

Describe the ministries of persons that you oversee (or will in the future), for which you might need help, in order to help them::

Do the people you serve have plans of their own--a vision with well-defined objectives and steps to take?

Do you know how to use a menu (a list of options) to select studies for new workers that fit the immediate needs of their church or cell group? If not, do you have questions or want help to use a menu approach to training?

Do you need help to teach your people to obey the specific, basic commands of Jesus?

Do you need help to teach your people to practice the New Testament ‘One Anothers?

Special talents or spiritual gifts. If you work closely with your spouse in ministry, mention theirs, too:

Language(s) that you know or plan to learn:

Facts about your field or the people you serve that your mentor should know:

Facts that you still need to find out, and plans for research:

Focus on the people, bonding with them and their culture. If expatriate coworkers focus mainly on each other they will not bond with the people and their culture. Their deepest social needs should be met by the nationals (except for their immediate family). This common cause of failure needs major attention. Plans:

If you work, or plan to serve, as a bivocational worker (self-supported in part or wholly), state plans:

If you plan to work bi-vocationally, state any vocational training you need:

Your Preferences

After the remaining items write a priority number (1 or 2)--if they are very important to you. Skip the rest.

1 = vital, an essential aspect of your ministry (limit these to a few--six or so, of the most important).

2 = important but not vital. It may be essential but you could delegate it without guilt.

If applicable, add "W" for spouse, and her number.

Gift-based Ministries

Penetrate a neglected 'pioneer' mission field of another culture, like Jonah did:

Penetrate a field with hostile authorities, like Paul and Barnabas also did:

Strengthen leaders or churches already established in another field, like Paul and Barnabas also did:

Evangelize, like Philip:

Serve others not as a leader but helper, like Dorcas:

Teach like Ezra:

Mentor leaders behind the scenes, like Aquila and Priscilla:

Advise with words of wisdom or knowledge, like James did in his letter:

Exhort or encourage, like Nathan did for David:

Help young or weak Christians build character, as Solomon did with his Proverbs:

Prophesy (give messages from God to console, strengthen and edify (1 Cor. 14:3-5) like Peter did in his letters:

Shepherd (give pastoral care at a personal or family level) like Paul did for Philemon:

Watch over a flock's spiritual life, restore stray lambs, ward off wolves, like Paul told the Ephesian elders to do:

Mobilize church members for ministry according to their gifting as Paul advises in 1 Corinthians 12:

Resolve conflicts in churches or organizations, as the Jerusalem counsel did in Acts 15:

Help form and coordinate small groups, like Jethro told Moses to do:

Train pastors or small group leaders on the job, like Paul told Timothy to do:

Train missionaries or church planters on the job, like Paul told Timothy to do:

Train workers for a specific ministry (specify) as Paul did for Titus in Crete:

Administrate large projects like Nehemiah:

Start new churches or cell groups, as Peter did with Cornelius' people:

Lead a missionary team to reproduce churches, as Paul and Barnabas did:

Do works of mercy in the form of emergency relief following disaster, like the Good Samaritan:

Deal with chronic poverty areas, as Paul urged churches to do for the poor in Jerusalem, or help handicapped:

Provide funds for vital projects or workers' support, like Barnabas did:

Develop stewardship (help people to give as they should) as Moses did to get the materials for the tabernacle:

Intercede, help families start family devotions, wage spiritual warfare or other prayer-related ministry:

Pray for physical healing or to free victims of demonic oppression, like Jesus did:

Evaluate progress in these ministry areas, as Paul encouraged in Ephesians 4:11-12:

Ministries Based on Natural Talents

Music or leading worship:

Drama or role-plays:

Creative writing or poetry:

Story telling:

Cultivating loving relationships in the church body, planning social events:

Cultivating loving, edifying relationships between churches or denominations:

Cultivating loving relationships between cultural groups:

Cultivating loving relationships between conflicting age groups:

Computer work (specify):

Family and Social Matters

Your spouse’s ministry or role, that you have talked over and agreed upon:

Plans for your children’s schooling:

If you work overseas, state plans to maintain the relationship with home church(es):

Explain any family, social or other obligations that might interfere in any way with your intended future ministry.

Is your family in agreement with your ministry plans? (If not, state steps you will take):

Have you, or a family member, emotional ties that will cause pain to go to your field? If so, state plans:

Does any member family of your family have emotional or health problems that need attention? If so, state plans:

Have you debts or social obligations you need to deal with before entering your planned ministry? If so, state plans:

State what further training of any kind that you think you need:

Would you like to talk to your Mentor about taking a comprehensive examination on Bible, general doctrine, basic church history and practical pastoral work to see if you have any weak areas for your type of ministry?

Ministries Required by the New Testament, that your People Need to Begin or Develop

Pray, intercede, wage spiritual warfare and have daily family devotions:

Witness for Jesus:

Shepherd on personal and family level:

Serve the needy:

Cultivate loving fellowship within the church body:

Practice stewardship:

Apply the Word to lives and ministries in a way that brings evident results:

Strengthen family life, marriages:

Send workers to neglected fields:

Start daughter churches or cells:

Organize to let all members use spiritual gifts in ministry:

Watch over the spiritual life of the flock, seeking straying lambs and warding off wolves:

Correct and restore the unruly:

Worship (including small group worship and meaningful celebration of Communion):

Train or apprentice new pastors, elders, evangelists or missionaries:

Periodically evaluate all of these:


Your Plans and Questions (add date):